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Updated: Apr 19


          We don’t realize the importance of our eyes; four years ago, my Doctor told me I was getting

this macular degeneration in my eyes, and it leads to blindness. (Yikes), My doctor said to take Ocuvite, and it hasn’t progressed further.

  Our eyes help us see this wonderful world. I sometimes imagine what it would be like to lose my vision, which brings to the forefront how important sight is. I have Parkinson’s, and my sight helps me balance; I am very unstable when I close my eyes.

  Although without sight, you wouldn’t judge a person so quickly by looks alone; we would judge by what the person had to say, how sincere they seemed, and their actions. It makes you think!

 Losing your sight would make us humbler and more in touch with ourselves, and you’d have to have a healthy trust in people (or a guide dog).

  They say the eyes are the windows of the Soul. The Soul is a compilation of good, bad, or in-between. Our Soul feels things; it makes us who we are. We love, hate, or are industrious or just plain lazy. The Soul has the power to mold our lives like clay.


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