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Keep your guard up!

Updated: Aug 11

   What about a person who keeps his vehicle immaculate but has never changed the oil or maintained it?

  Most of the serial killers in this country have been good citizens and held a job with a family, but underneath, a cold-blooded killer.. gives me the creeps!! Like the guy keeping his car clean on the outside and never changing his oil…looks can be deceiving! I guess everyone knows Ted Bundy's story; he was a true psychopath who looked normal on the outside but was a notorious serial killer. Ted Bundy used a pretend disability, arm in a sling, etc., and got someone to help him carry something; when their guard was down and arms full, he abducted them by many different means. So, we must always look at the situation; if there are other people around, use your sixth sense, and if there's any doubt in your mind, exit the situation as quickly as possible. I say this for most young women and boys who are always prime targets for serial killers. Killers usually pick an easy target, like a young lady or even a man who looks vulnerable.

 They say if someone with an old van pulls alongside you in a parking lot, do not exit your vehicle but move it out of the parking spot; this van's door could open and force you into the car. Thieves depend on you not paying attention to the things around you. I know an old ploy is a couple of kids in a parking lot pretending to be talking and having a good time next to a space, waiting for a car to pull up, and listening for the person locking his car; if this person is not paying attention and doesn't lock his car his money and anything valuable will exit the vehicle in that person's possession once the owner enters the store. That has happened to me, and I now lock the car and am aware of people talking and standing around in a parking lot, and I never park near them. We can't be paranoid, although we can be vigilant.

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