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Tips on cars

Updated: Aug 22

I discussed with my wife this morning that our Subaru had been a good purchase and how much we enjoyed it. The all-wheel drive has got us out of many collisions. The other day, I had a car in my blind spot and started pulling into the other lane; I saw him in the mirror at the last minute.  I yanked the car into my lane, and that excellent car maneuvered without jerking off the road. And I pulled it hard and just missed him!! Spend the extra money on all-wheel drive.

  I’m okay with mechanics because I have an "I'm not going to give up personality." Otherwise, I’m not so good. I have always thought you should let the car sit and then check the oil. I found out today that you should check it immediately after driving it. I had the wrong idea. I wondered why my car used oil; I kept overfilling it! And my car was burning it off. The things we learn. I learned the other day that opening the windows, a crack didn't do any good.  They discovered from studies that you might as well keep the windows rolled up in your car on a hot day and just put up the sunshades. I always fill my tires at Les Schwab to keep the proper inflation, so it's essential for your gas mileage. I always tip the attendant, mostly because I don’t have Les Schwab tires on my car… feel bad. My thoughts on waxing your car is don't do it; the clear coat they put on cars will last many years, probably past the time you would sell it. Do put rain x on your car windows, mainly the front window. Warm your car up before driving, probably 20 seconds in the hot summer and at least 50 seconds in Winter. Or, if you're like me, you don't like to scrape windows, so I let mine warm up until it melts the ice. I hate it if I have a cold car; I even have heated seats! I have always put winter studless tires on my car; it's better than sliding and severely injuring yourself... I mean, the cost is so so cheap compared to severe injury and paying 500 to a thousand dollars to your insurance for a banged-up car.

Studless tires are equivalent to putting studs in your tires. When you hear a strident squalling from your car, it's telling you it's time to change your brake pads, or you'll ruin your rotors, which aren't cheap. Really, I think the only time to wax your car is if you're going to sell it, but if you take your car and get it detailed, you get so much more money for your car.


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