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Visiting the Coronavirus four years ago.

Updated: Jul 28




                                  The Virus

April 2020


Just three weeks ago, there was hardly a concern about the Coronavirus. Now, it’s scary. The Virus is the worst in New York City and New York State. California is also bad; it is in many states now.

Our State of Washington is the hot spot that started it all.

   We are supposed to keep a six-foot distance from all people. We’ve been strongly urged to wear masks and surgical gloves…but many people ignore these guidelines, especially the masks. Most stores keep people out of their stores if there are too many people. So, there are lines at grocery stores snaking outside their doors, waiting to be let in. Only essential businesses can remain open. So, most restaurants are closed inside their store and are reduced to take-out service. You see cars lined up at the restaurant doors and employees bringing food out to the first car in line. Charlotte and I went to the drive-in, Sonics, the other day, which remains open due to vehicles being six feet from the other cars.

All the churches have canceled services for the past three weeks. Most sporting events are closed and rescheduled for another distant month in the future. Or it is canceled altogether. All schools are closed until the end of the summer vacation. Everyone is taking online courses for their schooling, or their parents are home-schooling them. Many factories are closed, and employees are furloughed. Unemployment is in the millions, and many people have filed for unemployment benefits. The government is giving trillions to keep businesses from going under and giving all American families a couple of thousand dollars. So, two breadwinners are getting roughly 2500.00 dollars. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is starting a worldwide fast tomorrow, the 10th of April.  This is to bring down heavenly help to end the virus and restore our economy. So, Charlotte and I are starting a fast tomorrow Morning. We take too much medicine and have illnesses that don’t take kindly to skipping meals. So, we are going to stop using anything electronic for 24 hours…Yikes! I would instead fast! Also, during this time, we will pray and ask Heavenly Father to end this pandemic and restore our economy.

   Our General Conference was not held in the typical building in Salt Lake City but at Temple Square, which is in a small annex building. Only a handful of General Authorities, the Prophet Russel M. Nelson, and different technical people helped air the Conference. Also, a couple of teenagers, a boy, and a girl, I believe 14 years old, gave talks—The General Authorities kept a six-foot distance from each other.

  The Church closed all Temples worldwide and brought home most of the missionaries from overseas. All church schools are closed. In general, all places that brought many people together are closed.

  The Olympics were canceled in Tokyo, Japan. Most cruise lines have canceled cruises, and the airlines are shut down, except for a small percentage of regular traffic.

  People are doing yard work, working on their houses, going for walks, running to the grocery store if necessary, and trying to keep 6 feet from other people. One church out south decided to have a Choir practice, and many people caught the virus…Many people say food is hard to get and is sold for highly inflated prices. This was on Facebook today. Toilet paper that somebody found was highly over-priced and almost impossible to get, according to people on Facebook. My wife is telling me this as I sit here and type this out.

   Mostly, the aged are dying, usually in Nursing Homes or Assisted Living Homes, etc. People with pre-existing conditions, compromised immunity systems, asthma, and breathing problems are also dying more than the norm in the general population.

   Some stores, such as sporting goods stores, are refusing to close, saying they are needed to sell guns to protect themselves. My wife and I went to Sportsman Warehouse the other day wearing masks, and they looked at us like we were nuts…that’s the mentality of those people.

   Coronavirus killed a mom and her three sons, all in 10 days of each other…my wife tells me.   Some states, like Texas, are hardly affected and do not take the virus seriously. The virus is mostly attacking in force people who are not taking seriously the warnings from the Government.

   In other countries, Italy was the hardest hit by the virus, where people have died in the thousands.

   The Prime Minister of England has the Covid -19


(I will continue with my journal every day)

Today, I’m starting a Journal of the coronavirus covid 19 starting the 9th

Of April 2020


It’s midnight as I type this on my MacBook Pro, vintage 2014, man! How time flies.

   Yesterday, I had to start washing and waxing my cars because the car washes were all shut down by the Virus…The irrigation still hasn’t come on, probably due to the coronavirus. I’m having to use city water on my lawn. Many people are riding bikes now.


Friday the 10th April 2020


Today on the news, the coronavirus curve is starting to flatten, which is good news; this only applies to New York state.

   In our area, it’s still on the increase.

   Today, we had the worldwide fast, which originated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and General Conference. Charlotte and I couldn’t stop eating because of all the medicine we take, so we fasted by going electronic-free for 20 hours. We found it very difficult to do. And I don’t want to do it again any time soon. I walked today, and Charlotte went along…and Bear Dog. We went to Costco today, and of course, there was no toilet paper…although we didn’t need any, you wonder where people are getting any. Still, only a quarter of people are wearing masks at Costco. My wife agrees. We know people working in the hospital have to wear masks. Usually, their kids do, too.

On the news today, I observed the news people showing many positive things people of this country are doing to help others…many positive instead of negative. Some churches plan to meet for Easter Sunday services no matter what…we will wait and see. Charlotte told me that the United States has the most deaths of any country from the covid19. Yesterday, I baked cookies and took them to our Bishop's house. I put together a Coronavirus care package. I put four rolls of toilet paper, a bottle of hand sanitizer…and, of course, the cookies. They got a real kick out of it!


               April 11, 2020 Saturday


Today, I baked cookies and chocolate chips, which we put in a sack, added hand sanitizer and four rolls of toilet paper, and took to the Kershaws. When delivering it, we talked for a long time about Lois Alcorn and her broken hip.

   The Coronavirus is still getting worse in the Benton County area.

   They are using drones to police the beaches in Florida.

   Hospitalizations are going flat, but deaths are on the rise in New York City.

   The United States reports 20,000 coronavirus deaths—more than any other country.

  For the first time in history, all the States have declared a state of emergency.

  Some think the coronavirus was here much sooner than everyone thinks.

   As of today, 27 people have died from coronavirus, and 364 cases have been reported, up 9% in the Tri-Cities.

  Five hundred thirty-three thousand two hundred fifty-nine cases of coronavirus in the United States, 20,597 deaths. -Ric-


April 12, 2020 Sunday


We continue to get more deaths in Benton County from the virus. We didn’t go to Whitney’s for Easter; we stayed home and hunkered down. We had an excellent roast for Easter dinner, and Charlotte made great muffins. It was nice out today…but cold. Rusty called us this morning, and they're going to Mona’s and Jim’s for Easter. -Ric-


April 13th, 2020 Monday


I rode my recumbent bicycle today and also went for a walk with Bear. My Gout is better. They turned on the irrigation today, and something had to go wrong. The front sprinkler solenoid wasn’t getting power, so after much testing, I finally figured the electric cable was broken somewhere in the yard. So, I’m going to have to buy a new cable. It's a bummer. The back cable did the same thing a couple of years ago…. It must be the cable rusting or something like that.

  Georjean was here to clean today. She had Oliver in the toe, a friendly little kid. Charlotte and I drove to the subway, got food, and went to the Numerica convention building parking lot to eat… to get away from the house. We're going crazy with this order to stay home except to go grocery shopping, order food and pick it up, or go to the Doctor. That’s about what we can do.

   The Coronavirus is still getting worse in the Benton County area.

   They are using drones to police the beaches in Florida.

   Hospitalizations are going flat, but deaths are on the rise in New York City.

   The United States reports 20,000 coronavirus deaths—more than any other country.

  For the first time in history, all the States have declared a state of emergency.

  Some think the coronavirus was here much sooner than everyone thinks.




                       Saturday 18th of April 20


Today, I helped Jesus Ramos clean up our lawn. I picked up the yard and picked up poop. I also sprayed weeds. Did some watering. Later, I took my bike out and went for a walk. Wrote some on the book. Yesterday, I got my gout shot, and boy, do I feel better.

  So far in the Tri-Cities, about 46 have died, and the virus has infected 600 people.


                     24th April 20 Friday


Today, Charlotte worked on Taxes. She does a lot of the work…I’m kind of behind the scenes. I fixed a sprinkler today that flooded the lawn the other day. I bought a new hose at Home Depot…it was another crappy hose. So, I took it back and got another better one. Went to Reliance Pharmacy also. Georgene came to clean today. She does talk a lot, and she comes with Oliver, a 9-year-old. I don’t know how, but I walked 7,200 steps today. Amazing! The coronavirus is…well, I can say this. Hardly anyone is wearing masks at Home Depot, etc. It has something to do with states talking about going back to normal.  Eight hundred four cases and 42 deaths in the Tri-Cities. All the hospitals have 48 COVID-19 cases, and 17% are hospitalized. This is in the Tri-Cities. Tyson Meats in the Tri-Cities has 100 cases alone. A good part of cases is from the old folk’s homes. 


                   Saturday 2nd of May 2020


Yesterday, we went to our place in Naches and checked everything. We mowed our lawn, sprayed weeds a lot, and paid Ryan to clean up the leaves on our lots. And believe me, at least five loads were taken out of there…in a trailer!

   Today, in the Tri-Cities, we still need to reach the top of the curve for COVID-19. Up to this date, there have been 1000 coronavirus cases in our area. The state or governor is still imposing a stay-at-home order. They will return things to their regular order in four stages. Stage one has started: construction, hunting and fishing, car washes, and others.

I rode my bike this early and then took Bear for a walk. Did the regular watering and then a lot of chores. I did some banking on my cell phone. Cool! I washed the cars. Then, it caused a significant storm to move it…drat! Went for another walk. I tried to clean up the vehicles from the first part of the storm, and then it hit again! I gave up.


                   May 6th Wedns 2020


Governor Inslee has officially opened the state's four phases—car dealerships, car washes, etc. Yesterday, Charlotte had an operation on her left elbow. The first day was rough for her…but that’s to be expected. I had to do a lot for her, but that will slack off as she gets better.

But I still walked with Bear. Yesterday, I went to pick up Charlotte’s prescription at Reliance Pharmacy. I like getting away! Trump is lifting his COVID-19 task force. He wants the country to get back to business. Also, a vaccine is probably going to be okay this fall. The weather had been so lovely, especially yesterday. But today, it’s crappy!



May 11th Monday 2020


The Coronavirus has reached new heights today in Washington and the Tri-Cities. We just learned from Georjean, our housekeeper and good friend, that we may have been exposed to COVID-19. Excellent! If Char or I got the virus with all of our problems, we would probably bite the dust.

The weather has been great—in the 80s. I've been doing lots of yard work and playing with the dog. I've also been walking the dog and riding my bicycle in the morning, trying to figure out how to get a haircut. I mentioned the haircut to Charlotte, who said I go out too much! OK….


May 13th Wednesday 2020


I rode my bike this morning, then walked Bear. Today was around 70 degrees. COVID-19 is getting worse in Washington. Not many people wear masks in Yoke’s today; people seem to be getting lax. I've been watching too much of Magnum PI…that’s for sure. In Washington State, there were 182 new cases of COVID-19 and 13 deaths on Wednesday, May 13, 2020.

State totals at 17,512 /975 deaths.

               Thur 14th May 2020


Today, I bicycled, walked Bear, and did some yard work.

71 have died of the virus in Tri-Cities; the death toll is the highest in the state. In the Tri-Cities, a Walmart lady employee died of the COVID-19 virus.


               Friday 15th May 2020


Bear had to wear the hood of shame. Actually, it was because he had his butt worked on and had some inflammation.  Covid 19 cases top 1,300 in the Tri-cities. Also 69 deaths so far. Bear and I went for our usual walk today, and poor Bear was very embarrassed.


                Sat 16th May 2020


I rode by bicycle this morning, and after that, I walked Bear. Charlotte is finished with the taxes today, I went to Walmart to pick up a file folder for our taxes. As normal, I walked Bear again in the PM and talked to little kids who love to pet Bear. One of the kids sneezed on me. I went home and sanitized my arms, etc. And I pray he wasn’t sick! I do love the kids. I talked to Jeff Sagen tonight right before he went to work; he asked how Charlotte and I were doing and offered to help us however he could. They are great people…we love his family. We have such good friends all around us in our neighborhood. We're so lucky! Charlotte and I went to Yokes; that was our big night…since there’s nothing else to do with this covid 19 thing, and of course, we're not supposed to be going places to go..we must have a reason. Charlotte fell today in the garden…she fell so quickly that she hasn’t much strength in her legs. I’m getting worried about her.

72 deaths in 2 months from covid 19 in tri cities…772 cases of covid 19 in Benton county


            May 18th Monday 2020


I Rode a bicycle in the, then walked the dog. We walked the dog after our colossal thunderstorm. Charlotte had an appointment with Dr. to take out her stitches. I went to Richland and delivered our taxes. Oh yes, yesterday we lost our finished taxes..looked for most of the day. Then I finally took one last look in our expanding file…really carefully, and lo and behold, there were the taxes. I was terrible today and ate 2 donuts. (very bad) I have an echogram tomorrow with Dr. Zuroske at 8:00.


          May 22nd Friday 2020


Today, President Trump declared that the nation would not shut down again due to a relapse in the COVID-19 virus. He refused to wear a mask when visiting the Ford Auto plant.  Our big getaway was to Relient Pharmacy; then, we went to Diary Queen for ice cream. We are waiting for our taxes to be done. My echogram was good, except he said the leak in my Mitro valve was a little worse. I rode the bike this morning, walked the dog, did yard work, picked up the dog’s mess, and sprayed for weeds. Sprayed the hedge in front to kill any ticks we have. Almost night, I took Bear for another walk..nice evening for a walk. 

The echogram was good, except he said the leak in my Mitro valve was a little worse. I rode the bike this morning, then walked the dog, did yard work, picked up the dog’s mess, and sprayed for weeds. I also sprayed the hedge in front to kill any ticks we have. Almost at night, I took Bear for another walk. It was a nice evening for a walk.


              Sat. May 23rd 2020


I had a busy day; I rode my bicycle in the AM and walked Bear. Went to Yokes. Washed the cars. COVID-19 is still bad in the Tri-Cities. Walked Bear PM.


              Mon May 25th 2020


Memorial Day was pretty good. Early Am rode the bicycle and then walked the dog. Late PM walked the dog. We barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs. The Sagen girls came over again today; they are a breath of life…


Tues 26th of May 2020


Today, I did the bicycle in the AM, Walked Bear in the AM, and walked again in the PM. I went to Desert Valley Eye Care, where they fixed my glasses. Then, I went to Costco to pick up vitamins. The Sagen girls came over at 4:00 and watched Mr. T: Vet. The two counties had 18 new covid 19 a day, and still too much to go into phase 2 of the governor’s plan. In Benton-franklin counties, the amount of COVID-19 cases has increased by 1 to 3 percent every 10 days


              Friday 29th May 2020


A black man in Minneapolis was killed unnecessarily by a white policeman, and riots have erupted throughout the nation, especially in Minneapolis (of course). On top of this pandemic, the number of COVID-19 cases in that city will skyrocket. They even burned down a police precinct, and many buildings have been set on fire…it’s stupid.. they are burning down their community.

I believe the COVID-19 cases are decreasing, but not enough to put our community into the governor's phase 2 declaration. I really would like the hair solons to open…. I need a haircut. I bicycled this morning and walked the dog this morning. Bear got into the mud this morning and came in without me noticing and tracked mud everywhere! Such is having a dog.


Sunday the 7th of June 2020


I've been remiss about writing! Charlotte and I were bad. We rented a cabin, the same one we rented for later this year, for our whole family from Dec. 10th to the 15th, just to see what, how, and where things were going to happen. Then, when we got home, I wrote a newsletter about it and am going to send it and a jump drive of the pictures I took.

Anyway, we were really up there alone and isolated and saw hardly anyone except when going to the country store one day.

  Were watching Genealogist Judy Russel talking about legal quarantines…church sponsored.

Been doing my bicycling and walking. Charlotte and I talked to the Bishop, knowing about how many needy people are right now, and offered to pay someone’s rent for a month…the least we can do is pay our fast offering every month and tithing.

500 new covid 19 cases in the state yesterday of the governor’s covid 19 plan. The tri-cities is still in phase 1 and is trying for phase 2 so more businesses can open and more people can go to work. Especially hair salons. I really need a haircut!


Tuesday 9th of June 2020


On Tuesday, there were 313 new cases of COVID-19 and 15 deaths in Washington state. In the Tri-Cities, there were 86 confirmed cases, but still, the counties are going to phase 11 in re-opening. Today, I woke up to rain, so I couldn’t bicycle or walk Bear. I walked him later in the day and ran into neighbor dogs (on the lose), particularly one white mongrel that bit Bear and is totally out of control. I was not a happy camper.

 So, we visited Whitney and Steve and had a good visit. We sent a package to Rusty for Father’s Day. We sent out a newsletter to Trevor, Jessica, Rusty, and Molly and jump drives with all the pictures we took of the cabin in Leavenworth, where we’ll be staying from Dec. 14th through the 19th (I think that’s right).

Today, I also took a picture of the Sagen girls, Brianna and Clara, for Megan and Jeff to look at. I think today was the day the governor of Washington stipulated that all people in public are to wear masks…not to be enforced by arrest or fines.


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